The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx

The Communist Manifesto

By Karl Marx

  • Release Date: 2023-07-26
  • Genre: Philosophy


The Manifesto's initial publication, in 1848 in London, was in German. The 1st English translation was produced by Helen MacFarlane in 1850. The Manifesto went thru a number of editions from 1872 to 1890. New prefaces were written by Marx & Engels for the 1872 German edition, the 1882 Russian edition, the 1883 German edition & the 1888 English edition. This edition, translated by Samuel Moore with Engels' assistance, has been the commonly used English text since. Some recent English editions, such as Phil Gasper's annotated "road map" (Haymarket Books, '06), have used a slightly modified text in response to criticisms of the Moore translation made by Hal Draper in his The Adventures of the Communist Manifesto (Center for Socialist History, '94). The Manifesto is divided into an introduction, three substantive sections & a conclusion. The introduction begins with the comparison of communism to a spectre, claiming that across Europe communism is feared, but not understood. Thus communists ought to make their views known with a manifesto: "A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of Communism. All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope & Czar, Metternich & Guizot, French Radicals & German police-spies. Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as Communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the Opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?"
