Learn all about Django - Innoware

Learn all about Django

By Innoware

  • Release Date: 2023-05-15
  • Genre: Programming


Learn all about Django Django is a powerful and popular Python-based web framework used for developing complex web applications quickly and easily. It was created in 2003 by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison while working at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper. Since then, Django has become one of the most widely-used web frameworks, with thousands of developers around the world using it to build high-quality web applications. The book covers the following: 1 Introduction to Django 1.1 What is Django? 1.2 Why use Django? 1.3 Overview of Django features 1.4 Getting started with Django 2 Django Basics 2.1 Creating a Django project 2.2 Understanding the project structure 2.3 Creating a Django app 2.4 Understanding the app structure 2.5 Creating Django views 2.6 Creating Django templates 2.7 Creating Django models 3 Django Forms 3.1 Creating Django forms 3.2 Understanding Django form validation 3.3 Using Django form widgets 3.4 Working with model forms 3.5 Creating custom form fields 4 Django Admin 4.1 Introduction to Django admin 4.2 Creating custom Django admin views 4.3 Adding custom Django admin actions 4.4 Securing the Django admin 5 Django Authentication and Authorization 5.1 Creating Django users and groups 5.2 Using Django authentication views 5.3 Implementing Django permissions 5.4 Creating custom authentication backends 6 Django REST Framework 6.1 Introduction to Django REST framework 6.2 Creating Django REST API views 6.3 Using Django REST serializers 6.4 Creating Django REST permissions 6.5 Securing Django REST APIs 7 Django Deployment 7.1 Preparing for Django deployment 7.2 Deploying Django on a server 7.3 Scaling Django for high traffic 8 Advanced Django Topics 8.1 Implementing caching in Django 8.2 Using Django signals 8.3 Creating custom Django template tags 8.4 Working with Django middleware 9 Best Practices for Django Development 9.1 Writing clean Django code 9.2 Testing Django applications 9.3 Debugging Django applications 9.4 Using version control for Django projects
