The Unforgettable Sheikh - Barbara McMahon

The Unforgettable Sheikh

By Barbara McMahon

  • Release Date: 2017-05-15
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
4.5 Score: 4.5 (From 5 Ratings)


Lost Love
Ten years ago Chloe and Ben were in love, talking marriage, and making plans for the future.  Then he vanished.  All plans were shattered and heartbreak became a constant companion.  Putting the past behind her at last, Chloe focuses on her new life’s path–but never forgot.

Duty Calls
Sheikh Karif bin Shakirah’s happiest years were when he was a graduate student at Berkeley.  He found a woman who loved him for himself not his family’s wealth.  He’d even hoped things would work out for him and Chloe-- after all doesn’t love conquer all?  But duties and responsibilities swept him back to his homeland and he lost the woman he loved.

Second Chance?
When Chloe sees Ben for the first time in ten years, she’s shocked to learn he’s a wealthy sheikh from an oil-rich company signing a treaty with the US.  He spots her and before long confronts her to find she hold only contempt.  Could they have a second chance to live the plans they’d made or would the heartbreak and feelings of betrayal from the past prove too strong to overcome?
